Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Me, Brady and Steve on our Wedding Day!

May 8, 2013

Before I begin, I think it would be best to have a post introducing myself so here goes...

My name is Meghan and I currently reside in a small suburb of Cincinnati Ohio with my husband Steve and my young son Brady. I live very close to my childhood hometown and am happy that life has taken me places, yet brought me back to put roots down very close to where I was raised. My husband and I went to two separate high schools in towns that bordered each other. We knew many mutual people growing up, but never met each other until we were adults. Up until meeting each other, life had different types of plans for us. My path led to college, while he began his career as a firefighter soon after high school.
Shortly after college, I moved to Washington DC to live near my older sister, who was pregnant with her first child at the time. There was no way I wanted to miss being a part of that special time in her life. After living in DC for about 6 months, I came to realize I was unhappy. There was not one isolated incident that made me unhappy. It was a mixture of things (I will elaborate in another post). The main reason was because I missed home.
I finally realized that the only way I was going to re-gain my happiness was to move back to Ohio. As much as it killed me to leave my sister and my brand new baby niece, I felt it was the right thing to do…I have never once regretted this decision. About 9 months after I moved back, I met someone who changed my life forever………my husband!
About a year after Steve and I began dating, we received the unexpected news that we were going to be parents! We were excited, but shocked as well! We were still in a fairly new stage of our relationship and both very social people. We had recently begun entertaining the idea of becoming engaged, but no plan was put into motion yet, as our relationship was only a year old. Although in retrospect, there is nothing I would do differently, considering our son is AWESOME, I have recently begun to miss the way I used to channel my creative energy into the world. Before I became a mom, I had my own website, my own social life apart from Steve, and sang with a band! I had no idea how much my life would change and how much my own interests would be put on hold to take care of my son.
Even though I have only been a mother now for 19 months, I feel that my desire to creatively connect with the outside world is still apparent, but I have learned I can do it in different ways that do not affect my time with my family, which is first and foremost my priority. The purpose of this blog is to share myself yet again with the world! One of the main things that triggered this idea was the near-bombardment of weight loss advice questions I received once I successfully lost a bunch of weight on weight watchers. I received e-mails, text messages and private messages on Facebook from people requesting my secret. This sparked a desire for me to want to share my story. Not only of my weight-loss but just life in general. I enjoy keeping people updated on my interests and my family. Any time I take a photo or a video the first thing out of my husband’s mouth is, “Are you putting that on facebook???” The answer is usually yes. HAHA! Although I am currently a full time working mother, I feel somewhat disconnected at times. I am hoping this blog creates a place for me to channel some sort of creativity and keep distant family updated on what’s going on with the Millers! Just to forewarn you, writing has ALWAYS been a hobby of mine and comes extremely easily to me. The posts may be a bit lengthy…hehe...sorry
Hope you all enjoy!!

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