Friday, June 7, 2013

How Much Our Relationship Has Changed in A Span of 2 Years

So the other day traffic was surprisingly really light and I got to work early. So I decided to seize the day, go in early, and get a head start on things…NOT!! I sat in my car and played on Facebook for a while. Does anyone remember the “Notes” app on Facebook? You could write a note and publish it for others to read, kind of like a blog on Facebook. I don’t know, maybe people still use that app but I don’t. I ended up deleting a lot of them anyway but there were 2 still in there from the spring of 2011. 2 years ago.  I was intrigued so I opened up the first one. Basically me griping about being pregnant. The second one was a list of “couples questions”. It asked random questions about you and your significant other and you had to answer them as honestly as possible. I read through the list, laughing and realizing how much has changed since the spring of 2011. Steve and I were still just dating, but I was pregnant with Brady. We still lived in our small house in the middle of nowhere. Everything seems like it was so much simpler (even though I didn’t think so at the time). There was so much our lives had yet to deal with. Since taking this survey, Steve and I had a baby, got married, sadly lost his mother, both started new jobs, sold our house, and bought a new house. That is quite a bit to fit into a 2 year span. (We prefer the fast-track to major life changes apparently).
So for fun, I am going to take the survey again. I will first post the answer from 2 years ago in red. I will then post my current answer in blue. Enjoy!

1.      What are your middle names?
Marie and Michael

2.      How long have you been together?
1.5 years
3.5 years

3.       How long did you know each other before you started dating?                                            
We always ran into each other but we had our first actual conversation the night before our first date. 

4.       Who asked who out?
He asked me
Same. I remember almost saying No

5.      Whose siblings do you see the most?
It is a toss-up. My family has started getting together a lot more in the past couple years.

2011 (I'm Preggo Here)

6.      Do you have any children together?
We have our first one on the way. Due in October.
We have a beautiful 19 month old. Can’t believe he will be 2 in October!!

7.      What about pets?
We have a cat named Bianca who sheds uncontrollably and a dog who probably won’t be with us much longer.
No pets. I am ok with that right now. Bianca lives with my parents. She is seriously my mom’s 4th child! It is nice to still have her in the family. Poor Harpo (the dog) went to doggy heaven shortly after I posted the original survey. I think we will eventually get another dog once we have a fence in the back yard. Steve begs to differ.

8.      Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
The pregnancy has been the biggest challenge since I have been sick but we are both excited about it.
All that sickness was totally worth it! Because we got our amazing baby boy from it. I would have to say the hardest thing to deal with would be Steve’s mom passing shortly after Brady was born. Our house-hunt sucked as well but I am happy to have that under or belt ;)

9.      Did you grow up in the same town?
Pretty Much
Although this answer obviously hasn’t changed, Steve seems to think I grew up in a land of all privileged, rich snotty people (Lakota) while he grew up a place of all blue collar, working class people (Fairfield) who were all very down to earth and knew so much more about the hardships of life than the people I grew up with. We grew up like…3 miles away from each other. That is the dumbest thing ever....
10.   Who is smarter?
I am more book-smart and he is more “common sense” smart. He can’t spell to save his life and I know nothing about cars or anything mechanical.
Me. If you can’t use the correct form of “are” or “our”, then you need to go back to 2nd grade.

11.   Who is more sensitive?
That’s easy, me…I am a hormonal tidal wave.
Me. Although I have obviously calmed down since having the baby, I would not be with a man if he was more sensitive than me. Gross.

12.   Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Probably Yardbirds. Although we love to go to Bonefish on special occasions.
Well…since Yardbirds closed and re-opened as a restaurant with even worse service than before, we don’t go there much anymore. I would say your typical Applebees/Chilis/Fridays. Any place you can bring a toddler.

13.   Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Southern California
Still the same. Although we have been there together twice now!

14.   Who has the craziest exes?
He takes the cake on that. I have dated some jerks but some of his DEFINITELY had some screws loose.
I probably take that back. At least his exes are ambitious. Mine aren’t. Glad I dodged those bullets!

15.   Who has the worst temper?
Um….I get frustrated more often.
I don’t mind admitting it….me.

16.   Who does the cooking?
We both do…but lately it has been just him because there are only certain foods I can tolerate right now.
That is reversed now. I do most of the cooking. He does all the grilling still but I cook most of the meals. I love it!

17.   Who is more social?
We are both very social
HA!!!! Yeah having a kid kind of makes that a challenge. We still try to be, but it is not the same. However, we do enjoy bringing Brady along to socialize. He is very social!

18.   Who is the neat freak?
I usually am but lately I haven’t cared.
Me. I am the female version of Danny Tanner. The End.

19.   Who is the more stubborn?
We both are.
Ehhh…we have just kind of reached that stage where we argue and then 5 minutes later completely forget about it.


20.   Who hogs the bed?
Steve. I get like 2 inches.
We are currently saving for our next big purchase. A new bedroom set. This will inclue a King Size Bed!
21.   Who wakes up earlier?
Him. I am pregnant right now and could sleep for days at a time.
I was also unemployed and had a choice. I now wake up about 15 minutes earlier than him for work.

22.   Where was your first date?
BJs Brewhouse. We ate there the night we got engaged too.
We still eat there sometimes. Their food is great and it is Brady-friendly as well.

23.   Who has the bigger family?
They are pretty much the same size, but his extended family is huge.
Still about the same size. My siblings popped a few more out since the last time I took this though.

24.   Do you get flowers often?
Usually if it is a special occasion or I am having a bad day. I love it when he does stuff like that. It is so sweet.
Pretty much the same. ;-)

25.   How do you spend the holidays?
We see both sides of the family. It is insanity.
That hasn’t changed either. The level of  insanity has just risen. But I am physically allowed to drink this time…

26.   Who is more jealous?
I don’t think either of us are really jealous.
We both know better than that. Jealousy is just a form of insecurity and neither of us feel insecure about our relationship. He does have dreams that I cheat on him with his friends though. So I guess he is. HAHA!

27.   How long did it take to get serious?
We fell in love right away.
Well, 2 wedding rings, 1 child, and a mortgage later and we are still waiting for it to get serious. I guess I am waiting till we chat online for 3 hours a day…

28.   Who does the laundry?
Both of us. I am more particular about how I like stuff folded so I probably do more of that.

29.   Who’s better with the computer?
Me. Steve needs to take a basic computer class.
Steve HAS gotten better, but I sit in front of one 40+ hours a week so I still win.

30. Who drives when you are together?
He does.
He usually does. Because if I hear “OMG You drive JUST like my MOM did! Quit hitting the brakes!!!” one more time, he is going to find himself hitchhiking…


Well there ya have it! Hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did reminiscing!


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