I HAD to begin this week's blog post with this eCard. One of my co-workers shared this on Facebook and I laughed so hard because it is so true!
I decided to not take the Facebook route and post 30 things I am thankful for every day. While I probably COULD think of 30 things, I don't want to do that because I would end up listing stupid things, like beer and my flat iron just to fill in the numbers.
Instead I have decided to just list 5 things that I am especially thankful for in 2013. I could list my son and my husband to the end of the earth. I AM thankful for the 2 of them every single day of my life. I'm sure you all know that. But I have decided to be a little more specific. Although this has not been the most eventful year in our lives, we still had some frustrations and some celebrations and I thought I would blog about what has made me happy to be me this year!
1. I am thankful for our new home!
For any of you out there who own a home, you probably understand all the highs and lows that came with finding it. Steve and I sold our small home in the middle of nowhere at the end of last year. To make a long story short, we ended up bidding on a house we fell in love with. We won the bidding war and were EXTATIC to be moving! Well....the appraisal report came back and the house appraised significantly lower than what we were going to pay for it. Like 14 grand lower!!! The only way we could buy the house would be if the sellers would agree to sell it for the appraisal price. That didn't happen and the house fell through...a week before we were supposed to close. Steve was disappointed but I was CRUSHED!!! I had already taken the time off work to move, already had a carpet cleaner lined up and paint colors picked out! What a horrible way to start 2013! After a few days of moping we got back out there and began our house hunt yet again. I hated everything we looked at. Nothing compared to the house that slipped through our fingers. We finally made the decision that if we were going to get what we wanted, we would have to raise our price limit, because frankly, you get what you pay for. After we did that, we found a lot of houses we really liked and get this, actually had houses to choose from!!! We ended up putting an offer on a house that was a brand new construction!! It was even bigger and better than the one that fell through! Lots of room, modern looking, upstairs bonus room, the walls were painted a pretty earth-tone and brand spanking new! Oh and this one actually appraised too!! We moved in February and since then, we have been busy making the place our own! We still have a long way to go since this house is more than twice the size of our old one, so ya know....we have to find more stuff to put in it. But we have a lot of time to do it. I am also in LOVE with the neighborhood. I have got to say that we have some of the friendliest neighbors in the world and there are a TON of kids Brady's age to play with. When I say Brady's age I mean one little girl is 2 days older and another little girl is 2 weeks older! (We have already had a birthday celebration together for the 3 of them) People are always outside and very social, as are we so we fit right in. I never thought I would say losing that first house was for the best....but it really WAS!! I feel like we hit the jackpot and am very thankful for that!
2. I am thankful for my husband's new job.
Before September of this year, Steve had a job that paid the bills, but didn't offer him much else. He didn't feel like he had that many advancement opportunities and he felt as though he wasn't really contributing in any way shape or form. We decided that if he wanted to make a career out of his place of employment, he would need to look elsewhere, which is exactly what he did. I have to hand it to Steve. When he wants something he goes hard for it. He interviewed with several different companies, all which made him offers and even then, he negotiated the hell out of all of them. The final company ended up offering him a completely different job than what he interviewed for. The job offered a lot more advancement opportunity and a lot more benefits than any other company. And most importantly, it offered a lot more flexibility than the last job he had. This has made life, in all aspects, SOOO much easier for our family. He accepted the job offer and I am very proud of him and everything he has done to make a career for himself, as well as look out for the best interest of his family. The past couple months have been a breath of fresh air since he works from home and can be more flexible when my work schedule cannot. It goes to show that hard work really does pay off.
3. I am thankful for MY job
For anyone who has heard me talk in the past few months, you are probably thinking I am full of shit. Sometimes I think I am as well. But hear me out. I have been at my job for the past 2 1/2 years. I am able to financially contribute to my family, as well as feel like I have a purpose elsewhere. Because I work, my family does not have to live a frugal lifestyle. We are still responsible with our money, but we don't have to penny pinch the way some families do that have only 1 working member of the household. I work for a good company. They have been very good to me and I am thankful for that. Being a full-time working mother is never easy, especially because I feel guilty for it everyday. But I am very proud of myself for sticking it out the past 2 years. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to just quit and stay home with Brady sometimes, but I have many neighbors who are all stay at home moms and have made me realize it is not as glamorous as it sounds. I actually have one neighbor who is bored out of her mind and dying to go back to work. I have also known a few working moms who have quit their jobs, only to find themselves out looking for another one a few months later because they couldn't make ends meet. Honestly I am glad I am not in either one of those situations. In the past 2 1/2 years I have never once gone to work with a pit in my stomach like I have with some other jobs. I like my job and I like the fact that I can make money, socialize with other adults (some in my same situation), have a purpose, and my son is STILL a mama's boy and knows I love him unconditionally.
4. I am thankful that our parents live close by.
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Brady and My Parents (Mimi and Papa) |
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The 3 of us with Steve's Dad (Also Papa)
It is also very helpful to Steve and I to have them so close. We love being able to still have date nights and take time for ourselves. I believe that in order for a marriage to thrive ESPECIALLY when you have small children, it is important to take time for just yourselves. Life becomes so crazy and so NOT about you when you have kids. Your marriage suddenly gets pushed onto the back burner and your child's needs are first and foremost. Thanks to our parents we have been able to still take time for ourselves sometimes and even go away on overnight trips. I am very thankful that Steve and I have the help we have. Even though I thank God every day for our beautiful son, I am thankful for the opportunity to still be able to date my husband!
5. I am thankful my child is happy and healthy.
I am lucky. That is all there is to it. My child is extremely happy-go-lucky and healthy. I was bummed this year when I learned we were going to have to have tubes put in Brady's ears but, really, if THAT is the worst we have to deal with, I will definitely take it. It was a 10 minute surgery that he will never remember. My heart breaks for parents who have children in and out of the hospital constantly, have serious health or developmental issues, or have children who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. This year, I have been following a family in Georgia, whose 3 year old son Tripp was struck by a fallen branch when playing outside at his daycare. A lot of you may be familiar with the Halsteads. This accident almost killed Tripp and now he has extensive brain damage and is constantly struggling health wise. Here is the facebook link if you want to familiarize yourself. https://www.facebook.com/TrippHalsteadUpdates
Tripp's mom Stacy posts daily updates on his progress and just how he is doing that day. Sometimes I find my self crying while reading her posts. Sometimes I find myself celebrating his small little milestones as well. I have just fallen in love with this family and hope and pray that Tripp makes progress every day. (And recently he has!!) But also, they are a constant reminder of just how blessed I am to have a happy, healthy and normal child. Brady is such a blessing and I am thankful for who he is and continues to become!
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