Well I was all set to post this blog and then everyone started doing the "Random Facts About Me" Thing. Now it's going to look like I copied that idea from Facebook. But as I mention in this post, I wrote this back on October 24th. So there! Facebook copied it from ME!!!....because you all care....
There are about 5 blogs I follow regularly. There is no rhyme or reason as to why I follow these blogs except the fact that I find their posts useful or interesting. I do not personally know any of these 5 people. None of them even live in Ohio so that is seriously how random they are. But since I do follow them regularly, I feel like the writers let me in on their families and lives just a little bit and with each blog they post and I become more and more intrigued. One girl even posted "5 Little-Known Facts" about herself and this was one of my favorite things to read about her just because it helped me to learn more about her and where she is coming from. By following where the traffic on my site comes from, I know that not everyone who reads this blog knows me personally. So today I have decided to do the same thing and post 10 random facts about myself for anyone who would like to read!
1. I am obsessed with my nails.
I have not gotten my nails done professionally in over a year. I typically do them myself if I have any spare time. I probably have every nail polish color known to man and if my polish chips or peels just the tiniest bit, I have to take it off and re-do the entire nail. I am just weird like that. My husband got me a gift certificate to get my nails done for my birthday this year and I have still yet to use it because I am having the hardest time deciding what I want to get done! Also, I am currently waiting on my first order of Jamberry Nail wraps to get shipped to me! I can't wait to try them out!
2. I am extremely sarcastic.
I don't think people understand this. It is so subtle sometimes that I think people take me seriously when they honestly don't realize I am being a smart ass. I usually do know the appropriate places to turn it off and on...but sometimes I slip and become a HUGE smart ass at work. I remember on my 2nd day of work at the company, my brand new boss called me a smart ass. My 2nd day!!!! Luckily he thought it was funny, but I CAN get myself in trouble sometimes for being too sarcastic. Whatever. If my life were a sitcom at least it would be funny....
3. I love country music, however there are a few country music stars I don't care for.
Kenny Chesney would be the first. I don't mind the music as much as I do his cockiness. I just get this vibe that he is a cocky A-Hole! Does anyone else get this feeling? I feel the same way about Toby Keith sometimes too. If I didn't like Toby Keith's songs so damn much I would probably hate him. But what can I say....dude has some catchy tunes and funny music videos. (Except for "Drinks After Work". What a God-Awful Song!!!) Lets see...Taylor Swift for many reasons. A) It took her years and years to sound decent live. And that is most likely because she has had EXTENSIVE vocal training due to the backlash she has gotten for SUCKING live. B) She needs a new topic for her songs. I am sick of hearing about the 17 year old she was dating who "screwed her over" because she was most likely annoying and way too clingy. C) She is annoying. If she gets up to accept ONE MORE DAMN AWARD and actually acts surprised that she got it and fakes being all excited....I mean....she has all these Grammy's and CMA entertainer of the year under her belt and someone will give her an award for like...best shade of lipstick and she FREAKS out. SHUT UP!!!!!! Ok and one more. Jennifer Nettles from Sugarland. I'm sorry. I really am. She seems like such a sweetheart. But UGH!!! I just can't stomach her voice. Its so awful. All that twang that she stretches out almost sounds whiny and its like fingernails on a blackboard to me. I also could not stand when that stupid "Stuck Like Glue" song came out and she was performing it on all these shows and when she would sing the chorus "There you go makin' my heart beat again" she kept making heart-beat signs with her hand while dancing and she would look like she was having convulsions. And she did it EVERY SINGLE TIME she performed this annoying song.
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JUST STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think Jim Gaffigan put it best when he said he doesn't want to spend 4 vacation days sleeping on the ground. Neither do I. I also don't want to spend them in a tiny-cramped camper if that was going to be the next argument. God love you people who like to camp but I just don't. My version of vacation is laying on a beach somewhere and sleeping in a bed inside a hotel. Call me high-maintenance, but my family NEVER camped growing up so I never took a liking to it. Plus my idea of relaxing is not "roughing it". My idea of relaxing is relaxing.
5. My house is usually VERY clean.
Now, I DO have a 2 year old and a lot of toys so I am not saying it is clean all day every day. But by the time we all go to bed, it is usually spotless. Our bed is made every morning, and our kitchen is spotless every night. I believe I do have some sort of OCD where if I find ANY down time at all I am usually LOOKING for something to be cleaned. It drives my husband nuts!!!! I think a big advantage of being a working mom is that it is easier to keep our house clean because we aren't IN it all day. I don't think I would be able to do it if I was a stay at home mom and I was CONSTANTLY cleaning up messes all day long.
6. I CANT STAND when people debate controversial topics back and forth and back and forth....and THEN get mad when someone has a different opinion!
If I hear one more person going on a rant about why they did or didn't get their kids a flu shot I am going to delete them from my life!!! Do what you want and shut up about it!!!! Also, I can't stand when people go and post their political/religious beliefs on a social media site and then when someone disagrees with them, they go ape shit!!! That is like being mad that you got wet after jumping into a pool!!! If you don't want to hear what other people have to say, then keep your mouth shut! Maybe other people don't want to hear what you have to say! Ever think of that oh wise one?? There is a reason we all have different opinions! WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT!! Some of you seriously need to go back to kindergarten and re-learn that. We all have different life experiences that lead us to feel certain way about things! Arguing to get someone in a different walk of life to see things your way is like shoving John Goodman into a tire swing!! Its not gonna happen! Rant over.
7. I typically write my blog posts LONG before I post them.
I usually have 3 or 4 sitting in the queue. That way I can pick which one I fee like posting that week and I never feel pressured to have one written. One just always is. Some may sit in the queue for weeks or months at a time, because I get better ideas that come along and it will get pushed back. It is currently October 24th, 2013 as I am writing this. I DO have a couple posts I have written that I do not plan on ever posting. They are not posted for reasons I do not want to get into, and they probably never will be, but I just had fun writing them. Some posts take me a day to write and others I can be working on for up to a week at a time. But I usually have a LOT waiting in the wings just in case I ever want to take a few weeks off!
8. I once supported myself financially solely from winning Karaoke contests.
Let me be clear....this was for a VERY short time and it was when I was in college so I can't say I was COMPLETELY supporting myself. My dad helped a lot. BUT I was working at a tanning salon on campus at the time and the manager of the salon told me "Oh by the way we are staying open during the holidays but I am taking all the hours for myself so you are SOL for 6 weeks. Merry Christmas." Needless to say I didn't stay at that job much longer. All the seasonal positions at the mall had already been filled so I had NO options as far as work went. Turns out, 2 different bars were having karaoke contests during the winter break. There were preliminary winners who received money and then all the winners would be entered into the finals and receive more money if they won that. I won the preliminaries for both bars and then won first in the finals for one and second in the finals for another. I made a small fortune and was able to financially make it through the next 6 weeks AND buy Christmas presents for everyone that year. I wish i could do that every year!!!! If anyone hears of anything....let me know....I never turn down easy extra cash! And NO! I'm not a hooker!
9. I make Grocery Lists in drafts.
Yeah I know. I'm OCD. But hear me out for a minute. During the week I jot down things we need when I think of them. There is the first list. Then I also jot down what is on sale and what is on sale that we have coupons for so we can get them extremely cheap! Then I make a list of what I want to cook for dinner the following week and the ingredients it will require that we do not have in the house. (I actually have a good stock pile so it is usually only a few things) THEN I ask Steve what he wants from the grocery store. THEN Steve and I argue over who is going to do the grocery shopping that week. This is a constant battle because he thinks he is BETTER at saving money, but I don't trust him to get the correct brand of products that I want. (If there is make up on the list he will lose this battle). Then after the list is done, I actually go through and order all the items according to where is is in the store so I can have everything in order. I do this for one reason. It saves a TON of time!!! I have done our grocery shopping on my lunch hour at work on SEVERAL occasions and have actually had time to spare!! I bring all the cold stuff into my office and put it in the fridge and freezers and then just take it all home with me at the end of the day. It is one less thing to do during the weekend and it really helps when we have extremely BUSY weekends!!! So laugh all you want but when some of you are spending hours at the grocery store, I am in and out in less than an hour AND have saved money!
10. I wanted a Dog SOOOOOO Bad growing up. Now that I own my own home....I don't want one.
I have absolutely nothing against dogs. I actually like dogs a lot, as does my son! We stop and pet the neighbor's dogs all the time when we are out and about. But I do not want a dog for the same reason some people don't want kids. I don't want the extra responsibility. I want to be able to pet/play with the dog and then give them back to it's owner when it needs to be cared for. I can't stand the way most dogs smell and I can't stand they way smelly dogs make a house smell. I have been in some BEAUTIFUL houses that absolutely REEK because of a smelly dog. My house smells awesome. I would like to keep it that way. Also, I don't want the pain in the ass of finding someone to watch my dog when we go on vacation. Nothing against dog people at all! I am just not one of you!
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